Sensing the Earth:
Tribal Climate Science Partnership Summit
June 15th - 17th in Boulder, Colorado
Hosted by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
Tribal Colleges and University (TCU) faculty and staff, and members of the national climate research and education community are invited to participate in three days of sharing, planning and brainstorming. The purpose of this convening is to develop a framework for TCU-focused partnerships that further the TCU and Tribal goals associated with climate research, education and community outreach. Specific goals of the meeting are to:
a) map out the landscape of existing programs and resources available across partners/climate resilience stakeholders; and
b) identify specific collaborative projects/activities to pursue.
Register HERE. We'll set you up with an account so you'll be able to post to the discussion board and contribute to the inventory of online resources across the Sensing the Earth partnership.